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Good : if we truly wanted it, we would succeed in mani­festing it
"So many tragedies are caused by people who claim to work for good, and yet cannot respond reasonably when faced with a minor offence or injustice! They want to do good, but at the slightest provocation they create interminable conflict. Most wars originate as miniscule incidents which, because they were not dealt with right away, deteriorate. We know this, but do we draw lessons for the future? Do we ask ourselves: ‘If I adopt a certain attitude, if I make a certain decision, will my contribution improve matters or complicate them further?’ No. We have to wonder whether human beings truly desire good. If they did, they would succeed in achieving it."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Izvor Collection
The Symbolic Language of Geometrical Figures
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The Zodiac, Key to Man and to the Universe
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The Living Book of Nature (purple cover)




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