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Heart and mind : are both legs which we need to walk
"If I tell you that you must learn to walk on your own two feet, you will reply that you have always done so. No, I do not see you walking, but endlessly hopping either on one leg or the other. The sentimentalists hop on the left leg – they do not reflect – and the intellectuals hop on the right leg – their heart is closed and locked. So everyone is one-legged! You think you understand things, but you do not truly understand them. If you understood that you had two legs so that you could advance, you would use both of them. But you are always perched only on one, and even when you go out for a walk, you hop. You must therefore ask yourself the question: ‘Why has nature taught us to walk forward now on the left foot, now on the right foot?’ The answer is simple: it is because we must act sometimes with the heart and sometimes with the mind. We must know how to alternate in our conduct between the masculine and feminine principles, and sense at what moment we should change polarity. When you know how to walk using both legs, many obstacles will disappear before you."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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