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Help from God : to receive it we must draw back the ‘curtains’
"It is when you are worried and sad that you suddenly think of the Lord and wonder why he doesn’t come to help you. You want him to realize there is a poor wretch here who is suffering, and to appear personally to console you and extricate you from this mess. The truth is that the Lord never stops helping you; it is you who does not now how to receive his help. The Lord is like the sun, which is very powerful. It makes the planets turn and vivifies them, but if you do not open your curtains, it cannot come into your bedroom. You leave the curtains drawn and say: ‘Come in, come in, dear sun, I welcome you.’ And the sun replies: ‘But I can’t. Why? Because your curtains are drawn. Open them.’ Yes, it is a matter of a simple curtain, and those who understand will open the curtains and the sun will come in, flooding the room with light. The Lord is all-powerful, but it is up to us to open the curtains so he can come in and help us."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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