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Horse and rider : their symbolism
"Let us study the symbol of the knight and his horse. The knight represents the human spirit, and the horse his physical body. Each of us, then, is both horse and knight. Just as the knight must take care of his horse, each of us must take care of our body. To understand the state of our horse, to know whether our problems or weaknesses come from the horse or the knight, requires great discernment. Are you tired? Ask yourself whether this fatigue is physical or psychological… You have eaten well, and yet you are still hungry. But who is hungry, you or your body? Or, you are not hungry, even though you have eaten nothing and your body is surely in need of nourishment. Such contradictions can arise in the sexual domain as well: your body has had enough, but you ask for more; or, conversely, you want nothing more, but your body demands it. Sometimes, in spite of the kicks with your spurs, your horse leads you down paths you do not want to venture. Or, it is the horse which finds a way to save his master, having caught the scent of a danger the knight was not aware of. Yes, this is a vast field for reflection."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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