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Hostility : not to let yourself go to the feelings it inspires in you
"Even if someone has truly hurt you, you should never say: ‘I was mistaken about that person; I trusted him and he has been unfaithful, dishonest and untrustworthy to me. From now on he is my enemy, and I will fight him and get my revenge.’ You were mistaken about the character of this person and you have been wounded, it is true. But by adopting such a hostile attitude, you are committing an even greater error, and the damage you will suffer will be even more serious. Not only do negative sentiments and the desire for revenge disturb your inner harmony, but you will also lose this person forever. Yes, he has behaved badly, but if you yourself know how to act, if you give him the chance to realise and rectify his mistake, with time he will perhaps become a true friend."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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