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Human beings : in order to appreciate them, concentrate on their spirit
"You are in a region where a mountain range is visible. You go to the window and there, from a distance, you marvel at the summits which stand out against the sky, and which appear in so many different lights and colours over the course of a year or even a day. Now imagine you are transported to the slopes of one of these mountains: up close, what do you see? Pebbles, holes, bits of dry grass, some lichen clinging to the rocks… Well then, where do you find the most beautiful view: from a distance or up close? This image helps us understand how it is best to regard human beings. Often it is preferable to look at them as well from a distance, and to concentrate on their spirit as if on a distant summit which rises to great heights in purity and light. This summit is the image of their true being, their divine being, and one day they will come to identify with it."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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