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Ideas and opinions : revise them and sort them out
"Review all that you have accepted up to now in the form of knowledge, ideas and opinions; study them and ask yourselves whether they concur with initiatic science. If they do, underline them, reinforce them and reflect more deeply on them. But if there are notions that go against this philosophy, be aware that they will lead you astray and create problems for you. So reject them: you will then feel so much freer and lighter, and you will see so much more clearly! If, for the time being, you are still groping around in the dark, if you still feel hesitant, indecisive or constrained, it is because you are encumbered with too many things which weigh you down and obscure your sight. It is time to seek buoyancy and light; this is the work that must be done. To know what you must throw away and what you must keep is important, extremely important."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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