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‘In Him we live’ : commentary
"In the Epistles to the Hebrews, St. Paul writes: ‘In him we live and move and have our being.’ And if even the Christians do not sense this reality, it is simply because they do not know how to open themselves. They are immersed in water and continue to be thirsty. They are immersed in God but do not see that he gives them life. They are closed. If they were to open themselves just a little, the divine ocean would surge into their hearts and souls, inundating them with its blessings. But they do not open. They do not yet understand the power of exchange, and they remain dry, impoverished and alone. To exchange means to pay attention to even the slightest manifestations of the lives all around us. It means to look at them, to listen to them, to respect and love them, because this world outside ourselves also exists within us: the rivers and mountains, the sun and the stars. We have a bond with all of nature, and we must deepen this bond."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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