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Injustices : are only apparent
"Every trial you encounter must contribute to your evolution. For this reason you must not rebel and consider yourself the victim of an injustice on the part of destiny, or of God! Someone may say: ’I didn’t deserve this!’ How can he know what he deserves? He does not know himself; he does not know his past, his present, and certainly not his future. On what basis, then, does he make his judgement? Even in a trial when the jury condemns an innocent – history is full of such miscarriages of justice! – there is justice behind the injustice. This has happened even in the case of saints, initiates and the great Masters, some of whom were imprisoned, burned, or crucified. Although seemingly unjust, in reality these ordeals were justified, and they had to accept them in order to pay a debt, to understand certain truths which they would not otherwise have understood, or to become stronger. The notion of a divine injustice prevents human beings from evolving. From now on they must understand that their trials are justified, and in doing so they will take a great step forward."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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