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Instruments : those on the physical plane are shaped by those on the psychic plane
"The only instruments that interest human beings are those which are continually produced and perfected by science and technology for their convenience or entertainment. They neglect those infinitely richer and more beautiful devices which the Creator has placed within them to explore their soul and their spirit. And yet, science and technology have reached their current state of development only because these devices which human beings possess in the psychic and spiritual realms serve as models for those they produce in the material realm. Otherwise no study, no research, no reasoning would be sufficient to lead them to such discoveries. Photography, for example, is nothing other than the latest outcome in the history of the eye. The telephone, the radio, radar and the computer are also instruments that are found in the human being; the brain alone is a telephone, a radio, a television, a radar device and a computer."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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