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Intellect : damage caused by its excessive development
"As a consequence of today’s emphasis on the development of the intellect, human beings have become critical, intolerant and aggressive. Yes, this is the characteristic of the intellect: it dissects, it separates, it encourages individualism and confrontation. This is why, in spite of all the progress achieved thanks to the development of the intellect, human beings are not happy. In order to be happy, they must work to develop another principle in themselves: the soul. The soul can flourish only in the fraternal life where, like bees that come together to prepare honey, everyone works to realize the will of God and his kingdom on earth. When human beings have understood the ravages created by the development of the intellect, to the detriment of superior faculties, perhaps they will decide to emphasize brotherly relations. In this they will find happiness."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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