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Jesus : and the Christ
"It is in reference to a cosmic principle that ‘the Son’, the second person of the Holy Trinity, is called the ‘only son’ of God. This cosmic principle has been given the name of Christ, and through his work, Jesus identified with this cosmic principle. Just because we use the same words ‘father’ and ‘son’, we must not confuse human realities with cosmic realities. God the Father is the principle creator of all that exists, and his Son, whom Christians call the Christ, is his first emanation. It is this Christic principle which must descend into each human soul by the power of the Holy Spirit, in order for each of us to become a true son or daughter of God. Jesus was a conduit for the Christ, he was the voice of the Christ, he served the Christ and he identified with the Christ, but he was not the Christ. As a cosmic principle, the Christ can incarnate in a human being who has prepared himself to receive it, but no human being, no matter how exceptional, can be the one and only incarnation of God. This makes no sense."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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