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Knowledge : true Knowledge is an acquisition of the inner life
"A very modest, simple and uneducated person can, through his inner searching, come to know more about life than the greatest scholars. It is for this reason that scientists should demonstrate a little more humility and reserve. God has not given them exclusive rights to knowledge. They can control matter, but they cannot control life, because life is not discovered at the end of a few instruments, lenses or scalpels, but inside oneself. Even the person who conducts investigations on other planets can be as ignorant inwardly as if he had never left his cave. It is a matter of consciousness. What is the use, then, of setting out to discover the universe if we remain inwardly as limited as someone who has never stepped outside his remote village? The astronaut in his shuttle travels throughout space, but the shepherd who looks after his flock in the mountains and contemplates the starry sky in the silence of night perhaps knows more of immensity. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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