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Knowledge : is only useful if put into practice
" You have everything at your disposal: explanations, advice and methods, and yet so many of you still feel uncertain, weak and abandoned. Why? Because you lack faith in what you have, and instead of doing the exercises, instead of working to make your spark catch fire, you stay in the cold and dark. You have the flint, but you don’t strike it. Make the decision to strike the stone once, twice, three times, a hundred times, and finally the flames will burst forth. Even if you possess all knowledge, it will be of no use to you as long as you make no attempt to put it into practice. It is essential that with your will (iron), you work on your knowledge (flint). When you have learned to light your inner fire, you will no longer have to brave the darkness and the cold, and you will no longer feel alone. Thanks to the fervour ablaze within you, you will feel as if you can illuminate the entire world… all the way to the stars!"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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Man's Psychic Life : Elements and Structures
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Both : book and CD in a special box. Nice!
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