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Knowledge of the human being : the condition of a true Knowledge of the human being
"What do we know about the human being? It has taken thousands of years to understand his physical body, and it is not even certain that we have truly discovered everything about it. As for his psychic, spiritual being, except for the initiates, the mystics, we know almost nothing about it. You will say: ‘But psychologists, psychoanalysts and psychiatrists know a great deal about the human psyche!’ Without wanting to cast doubt on their expertise, we see that their work is to care for the sick. This is fine, but we must now pose the question in a different light. No true science of the human being will exist until science and religion decide to work together to study these centres – these organs or instruments, call them what you like – by means of which human beings can relate to the spiritual world, to the divine world. How can we imagine that God, who has endowed us with all the tools we need to live and act in the physical realm, has left us powerless to live and act in the psychic and spiritual realms?"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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