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Law of affinity : key to spiritual realization
"You will never achieve great transformations in your psychic life as long as you have not understood the magical secret of the law of affinity. Each sentiment you experience has a particular nature and, by virtue of the law of affinity, it will stimulate forces in space of the same nature, which will make their way to you. If your sentiment is negative, you will attract negative influences; if it is positive, you will attract blessings. You can thus draw everything you desire from the great reservoirs of the universe, but only if you emanate feelings and project thoughts that are of the same nature as those you wish to attract. These thoughts and feelings determine absolutely the quality of the elements and forces which will be awakened somewhere far off in space, and sooner or later they will arrive at your door. The law of affinity is the greatest key to spiritual achievement."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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