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Law of the sun : accept the Law of the sun : love and sacrifice
"Someone says: ‘ I try to be honest, good and generous, but what good is that when the law of the jungle reigns throughout nature and society? Why should I be an exception? I am going to get in there and fight too, and I will be successful.’ How many times do we hear this reasoning! But those who talk like this fail to realise that what they see on earth represents only part of the truth. If they turned their gaze towards heaven, they would see that the sun exists as well, and that this sun is the other half of the truth. On earth animals and human beings only take, devour and destroy, whereas the sun only radiates, projects and gives. Why? So that we may have life, warmth and light. Would we still be alive were it not for this other law, the law of love and sacrifice, which is not a law of the earth but of the sun? No. If everything you see on earth discourages you, think of the sun; accept its laws and you will feel heartened."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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