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Laws : govern man and the universe
"Why has the universe been able to survive for billions of years? Because it is governed by laws which ensure its stability. The human being, who is constructed like the universe, cannot survive and function as an organised system unless he too agrees to be governed by laws. Unfortunately, the whole world is inhabited by people who imagine they can succeed with any idea whatsoever, with any sentiment or project whatsoever. No, they come to a very bad end. You will say that this is not their fault, that no one has ever taught them this. Say instead that it is they who have not looked to be instructed. When we earnestly search, the light comes. Those who look for a teacher find one, and this teacher will tell them that if they continue to concentrate on the satisfaction of their most personal ambitions and desires, they will eventually collide with forces that will crush them. It is impossible to oppose the forces governing the universe for long."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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