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Leaders : best behaviour towards them
"To amuse the public, the night clubs, theatres, television and radio in so many countries present their leaders in ridiculous and grotesque ways! ‘Many of them deserve it,’ you say. This may be so, but even if they deserve it, this is not the way to urge them to improve themselves. On the contrary, constantly exposing them to criticism and a lack of respect by their citizens creates conditions in which they make bad decisions and other mistakes. If you truly want to help your country, instead of continually denouncing the person in charge, send him light so that he may always be inspired. You cannot help your country as a whole, because it is immense, but it is enough to help just one person. It is easier, and this one person can do good for everyone, because he is in charge of many things. If he succeeds in having good laws passed for public heath, housing, education and employment, everyone will benefit from the fact that this one person has been so inspired."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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