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Life : do not waste it to gain advantages of less importance
"Human beings do not know how to appreciate life, this quintessence of Himself that God has given them. Someone will say, ‘What do you mean? I consider life to be the most precious gift. In the darkness last night on a street corner, someone threw himself on me and threatened, “Your money or your life!” Well, I gave him the money.’ So it is true, when the question is presented like this, we choose life. But normally we do not think about it; we waste it and demean it. We must have our back against the wall before we appreciate it. Up until that moment, we are unconscious and we waste our life pursuing pleasures and advantages which are never as important as life itself. So many people are willing to waste their lives just to earn a little money, just to enjoy showing off a little success! Why do they never think to place on their inner scales, opposite the little they have gained, all the treasures of life they have lost? " Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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