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Life : receive it in order to pass it on
"There is a Being on whom we depend completely, which is why we must constantly maintain our connection with him and dare to confront all inner and outer desires attempting to block the way. Those who are not conscious of the link which unites them with the first Cause can only debase and degrade everything, first in themselves and then around them, because they have cut themselves off from the Source of life. Life comes from above; it is the quintessence of God himself. It is our duty in all our pursuits to receive this life, to open a passage for it within ourselves, and to learn to preserve it in all its light, richness and power so that we may also distribute it around us. We sometimes meet people who have this gift of receiving and distributing, who radiate life everywhere they go. To encounter such beings is a blessing. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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