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Life : gift from God which must be made to bear fruit
"It is important to treat the life you have received from God with great care and respect, because one day you will have to render him an accounting of it. God needs none of our possessions; we have acquired them along with the life he has given us, and he allows us to keep them. All he asks is that we show respect for this precious gift of life by bearing fruit within ourselves, by always bringing new colours, perfumes and flavours to our lives. These are the accounts we must be prepared to render one day to the Lord. And while waiting to do so, those who are negligent, lazy and disrespectful will find that all the riches of the divine life are abandoning them. Gradually they will lose not only their health, but also certain faculties, certain inspirations. People and things will no longer hold the same interest for them nor bring them the same joy. Strive, then, to become increasingly conscious of how you use this gift from God: life."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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