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Light : the most effective weapon against evil
"Just because evil is powerful, it does not mean that we must submit to it without doing anything. No, we must react. But in order to triumph over evil, it is unwise to confront it on its own ground, because there it is almost invincible, and we will be struck down. To triumph over evil we must rise above it, we must attain the higher regions of consciousness. From there we can hurl down fire and lightning, and it will flee! Man possesses a fortress within him which is superbly equipped to resist the aggressions of evil. This fortress is the light of his soul and spirit. When you aim this light at evil, it disperses. Why stand there doing nothing? When we become discouraged, the beings of darkness rejoice, saying: ‘This is marvellous, here is something to eat!’ This is how people allow themselves to be devoured by the spirits of darkness. When this darkness approaches, a true disciple defends himself. He climbs into his fortress and projects light, and this light dispels the darkness."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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