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Light : because of it we are appreciated
"Human beings have a natural tendency to make appearances merely to gain recognition and respect. How many spend their time in receptions and intrigues! They waste their lives trying to impress people, without thinking that in a few years all will be forgotten. What truly gives life meaning is to work with the light and for the light, without worrying about pleasing or displeasing others. And one day, even if you do not wish it, others will come looking for you to show you their respect and admiration. When your thought remains linked with the light and with divine love, people you encounter cannot help but find comfort and peace in your presence; they value you and seek your company. Whereas if you abandon the Lord, you can no longer replenish your inner riches. Then, when you have become poor and empty, who will want to spend time in your company?"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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