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Living with love : what this means
"As soon as you awaken in the morning, welcome this new day with gratitude and make a resolution to live it with love. And what does ‘to live with love’ mean? Well, it simply means to breathe, to eat, to walk, to look and to listen with love. You think you already know all this… No, you don’t! When you truly begin to comprehend with your whole being what it is to live with love, your entire existence will be transformed. Love will spring forth from you unceasingly from morning until night, and even when you are sleeping. To live with love means to live in a state of consciousness which harmonizes all the actions of your life and keeps you in perfect equilibrium…a state of consciousness which is a source of joy, strength and health, not only for yourselves, but for all those around you."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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