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Lord : a centre around which everything organises itself
"Have you seen a classroom before the teacher arrives? The children are all whispering, shouting and squabbling among themselves. This is normal, because ‘when the cat is away, the mice will play.’ But look what happens when the teacher comes in: within seconds, all the children take their seats because the head, the leader has arrived. Well, these same laws exist within us. God is the head, the leader, the centre, and as long as we do not allow Him in, chaos will reign within us. When I hear someone say, ‘I have no need for God, I can get along without Him,’ I agree that he can get along without Him, but in what disorder and at what cost! The head, God, establishes order among the cells of our organism. When He is present they all work in harmony and peace, and life circulates. You have not yet understood why it is essential to have God as the centre within you. I will tell you why: it is this point, at the centre, which organizes and harmonizes everything."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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