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Love : in all Love we are seeking the love of God
"When you are looking for love, you do not really know what you are seeking. You think you are looking for the love of a man or a woman, but deep down it is the love of God that you need and that you seek: it is immensity, infinity, and all the beauty of nature and its creatures. But until you find it, how many ‘boutiques’ will you visit, saying: ‘Give me love. Give me fulfilment.’ But no boutique sells fulfilment. Only God Himself can give it to you, and this is where you must search for it. Look what happens to those who frequent a ‘boutique’. You understand, of course, that ‘boutique’ means a pretty woman… or a handsome man! After a while everything is out of stock, so they move on to another shop which has opened more recently. There the merchandise is fresher, the publicity is superior, the window is better stocked, it is shinier and more colourful. But after a time, once again, everything tarnishes and deteriorates, because it is not divine. Only that which is divine is inexhaustible and eternal. It is toward divine love, therefore, that you must make your way."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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