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Love : must contribute to the blossoming of creatures
"It is not enough to love people; you must ask yourself how you love them. Strive to introduce purity and light into your love, for it is this condition alone that enables those you love to grow and attain fulfilment. True love must bring people all blessings: joy, peace, beauty, health and especially a sense of the meaning of life. If you see that the person you love is weakening and losing their joy of life, you must question your love and say: ‘But what have I done to this creature? I was to cultivate it like a flower in a garden, but instead I have allowed it to wilt, I have damaged it!’ You have little to be proud of and must seek to rectify your errors. Your love must help a being to grow, and only when you see that this being is blossoming because of your love can you be happy, proud and grateful to heaven."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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