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Love : true Love, is universal love
"Human beings live love as if it were a sentiment, a passion, or even as a delirium, an illness – and an incurable illness at that! No, true love is nothing like this: it is a state of consciousness attained by those who have worked for a long time on the path of inner perfection. It is the reward given to those who have understood that true happiness means drawing closer every day to the world of purity, harmony and light, which is the world of God Himself. And then, because God is the source of love, they receive the greatest gift there is: they are able to extend their love to the entire world, to all creatures and to all creation. They no longer concentrate their attention and thoughts on one human being alone and expect this person to satisfy their needs, which can only lead to suffering and disappointment. Every day they draw closer to divine love, which alone can fill their heart and soul."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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