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Love : must become the true currency of exchange
"People consider themselves civilized because they live in societies where relationships are governed by laws, and where various institutions enforce these laws. Well, this is not enough, because despite their laws, these societies still resemble jungles! Human beings will be truly civilized when love becomes the currency of exchange. Brotherly love must increasingly become the true currency. Not love instead of money – I am not so naïve as to believe that we can do away with money, which is a very handy means of exchange – but love over and above money. I realize that many will call this ‘utopian’; I know this, because I have already been told so. Well, let them call it what they will. I am saying that for our salvation we must head toward this ideal. Is it utopian? If so, we can call Jesus the greatest utopian. As for me, not only do I wish to be a utopian like he was, but I invite you to help make this utopia a reality!"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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