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Love : its goal: to beautify the life in oneself and in others
"These days, more and more men and women intend to lead life however they please, and with regard to their love life and their sexuality, they have no intention of abiding by any rules. In their minds, the instructions which have been given by the sages and initiates are intended to prevent them from living. They fail to understand that self-mastery, the control of the instincts recommended by the sages has no other purpose than to encourage them to find better expressions for love, to give love richer and more beautiful forms. To the extent that they refuse to be instructed and to work, their experiences of love will only serve as occasions for wasting their most subtle energies and even losing their taste for life. They want to live and yet prevent themselves from living. They continue to celebrate love, to sing about love, claiming it is the most important thing in the world, but they manage to spoil their lives with their love. When will they understand that to love means to protect, enrich and embellish life in themselves and in others."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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