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Love : a war with light as the weapon
"Human beings still have a very limited concept of love. They fall in love with a man or a woman; they love their parents, their children and their close friends. But this is still not love. In order to manifest love, you must learn to project the rays of your heart and soul to the entire world, as the sun does. All suns bombard each other across space with their rays. Of course, like the earth we inhabit, we are still far from being able to manifest such love. The earth is dark. It does not know how to shine or to fight using the light, which is why war on earth is so terrible. But see how the sun wages war: it produces fruits, flowers and an entire abundance of life. Because we do not yet know how to wage war like the sun, we must go in the morning to see how it uses its weapons: how it launches them, how with its canons, shells and rockets it vivifies the entire universe."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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