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Love : to attract it we must be alive
"Why have so many men and women who once adored each other grown tired of one another and separated? Because they did not know how to stay alive. If they had taken care to maintain the life within themselves, to embellish it and render it poetic, they would have continued to please each other and to love each other. Because unconsciously, it is life that all these men and women are looking for; in fact, it is the only thing they are looking for. And life is always tied to love. When you love someone, you try to explain your love somehow, whereas in fact there is no explanation: if you love him, it is because of the life that emanates from him in the form of beauty, or goodness, or purity. or intelligence, or peace… The boredom that inhabits so many people on earth and that drives them into dead ends stems from the fact that they do not know how to renew the life within them. They meet, and after a few moments of excitement they become bored with one another. So if you want to be loved and do not want to bore others, be alive!"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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