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Love of one’s neighbour : respect in him the life he received from God
"Jesus had the audacity to give first priority to the love of one’s neighbour, and to love one’s neighbour means above all to respect the life given to man by God. Christians must meditate on this commandment, because after two thousand years of Christianity, it is obvious from their conduct that most of them have not yet understood it, much less put it into practice. To reject a human being, to despise him and humiliate him, is to declare that he is not a creature of God. No one has the right to declare such a thing; no one has the right to place himself between a human being and his heavenly Father. A person is obviously free to cut himself off from divine love by his own volition, but no one else can cut him off. No one has the right to do so. All are welcome in the house of the Father. Even his wayward children are welcomed when they sincerely wish to return, and their heavenly Father celebrates their homecoming. Have you read the parable of the prodigal son?"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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