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Lower nature : distrust its suggestions
"People’s lower nature inspires them with so many thoughts, desires and activities! And they walk, run and gallop after them. It is extraordinary to see how men and women defend their most selfish interests, and what arguments they put forth to justify their lies, their dishonesty and their schemes – until the day, of course, when they fall flat on their faces. But will this stop them? Will they learn their lesson and finally understand that they took the wrong road? For the majority, no; they tell themselves they will do better next time, and so they continue. What they think and feel is final – there is no room for argument – and they dig their heels in. But one day all of them without exception will be forced to recognise the existence of laws higher than those dictated by their convictions and their lower appetites."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


Also recommended

Izvor Collection
The Zodiac, Key to Man and to the Universe
Izvor Collection
The Living Book of Nature (purple cover)
Complete Works
The Giant "Put Master Omraam to Work" Sharing Special




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