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Lower nature : can only be subdued with the help of heaven
"Combative and tenacious, man’s lower nature has enabled him to resist the aggressions and obstacles he has met on his path over the millennia. This explains why it is now so difficult to dominate this nature. Although the conditions of evolution have changed and we no longer need the weapons of our lower nature to protect ourselves, it is always there, alert, ready to appear at the first opportunity. And if we attempt to go against it single handed, we will always be defeated. In order to dominate it, we must call upon higher forces and cling to them. You must not put so much faith in your own capabilities: the lower nature has had to develop so much power in order to survive that it now bows only before the divine world. If you approach it without the weapons of heaven, without the light, it will not acknowledge you. It will say: ‘You are not my tamer!’ and it will attack and devour you. The true tamer is God himself. Because it is he who has created everything, it is he who knows how to keep this monster at bay."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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