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Lower nature : seeks all means and conditions to manifest itself.
"In your relationships with others, it is essential that you be clear first and foremost about the matter of the two natures, superior and inferior, which constitute the human being.
When you meet someone, do not imagine you are truly informed about him simply because you have learned what his social position or profession is. Nor will you know much more when you find out whether he is married or has children. These details provide you with no guarantees where his morality and future conduct are concerned. The sole preoccupation of the inferior nature is to find situations where it can most easily manifest its need to dominate, assuage its cravings and satisfy its ambitions. It is just as likely to find these conditions in the life of a bishop, a minister, a businessman, a worker… Whatever their place in society, those who have not worked to master their inferior nature can only conduct themselves in ways that are harmful to others. " Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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