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Luminous entities : by our conduct we either attract or repulse them
"Every fault we commit in our thoughts, feelings or actions drives away spiritual entities from within us, because it creates a disharmony which they cannot bear. Inferior spirits are quite comfortable with it, but the higher spirits leave us. Lead a disordered life for a few days and you will find that Heaven’s workers have abandoned you, and that you cannot regain your peace, your buoyancy, or your inspiration. You must know that your understanding of this truth will determine your future: it is your attitude which repulses or attracts luminous spirits. It is entirely up to you whether or not the most highly evolved spirits come and dwell in your heart and soul. At this moment, you will become master of yourself and you will take possession of your true human face. Your light will shine out into cosmic space, all the way to the stars, transmitting the subtlest vibrations to plants and heavenly bodies. Accept this truth and you will possess the powerful key to fulfilment."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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