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Luminous spirits : invite them to take possession of us
"Why do you limit yourself to the contacts you make on the physical plane with human beings? There are other beings to encounter in the universe and with whom you can establish relationships. Every day you have the possibility not only to link yourselves with the luminous entities who populate the universe, but to draw them nearer to you. So address yourselves to them: ‘Come, celestial friends, come make your dwelling place in me.’ You can also add: ‘Lord God, Divine Mother, Holy Trinity, all angels and archangels, servants of God and of light, my entire being belongs to you; make use of me for the glory of God, for his kingdom and justice on earth.’ Pronounce these words is the true consecration. If you do not know how to invite the celestial spirits, do not be surprised when other entities, in no way celestial, come and establish themselves in you without waiting for an invitation! It is up to you to decide who you want for inhabitants."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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