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Martyr : it is dangerous to seek it for the glory
"You must never choose a path because of the ordeals that you will meet along the way, with the idea that in doing so you will gain the admiration of others and the approval of heaven. In Bulgaria we have a proverb which says that a saint who is too zealous is even disliked by God. Yes, for this zeal is suspect. Some people, because of their temperament, are moved to sacrifice themselves for noble causes. It is their ideal of generosity which drives them, almost in spite of themselves, along this difficult path. It is this same ideal which keeps them from becoming discouraged, and at the same time it allows them to remain humble and full of love no matter what they accomplish. We must recognise, however, that these beings are rare. So, beware of the fanatics who seek the glory of martyrdom in crazy actions! They should not imagine that this is the way to attract heaven’s blessings!"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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