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Master of his destiny : count on nothing exterior to oneself
"Those who want to be master of their destiny must not be so preoccupied with what may come to them from the outside: difficulties or opportunities, profits or losses. They must work with the sole idea that all possibilities are within them, and as a result they will become stronger and increasingly capable of facing all situations. Whatever realm it may be, you must not count on any outward gain or success. If they come to you, they are welcome, of course, but do not count on them, for nothing outside you is permanent or can really belong to you. Sooner or later it will slip through your hands. You must simply work to be inwardly strong and rich, in your heart, your mind, your soul and your spirit, so that everything you have acquired belongs to you forever. This is true freedom, true independence."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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