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Matter : spirit must incarnate in – but not become stuck in it
"Every earthly manifestation has its source, its roots, on high in the divine world. Nothing that we build on earth can survive if we do not first take care to secure its foundation in the spiritual realm. Since this holds true for political and social institutions, all the more reason it should apply to religious institutions as well. And yet, what do we find? Over time, Christianity has become a sort of museum where we can read the entire history of architecture, painting and music. There is so much at which to marvel, it is true, because it translates the fervour of the past, but now only vestiges remain, and the spirit has been lost. It is normal for the spirit to manifest in matter in a suitable way, but what we see today is no longer the manifestation of the spirit in matter but, on the contrary, matter which has engulfed and paralysed the spirit. Where now is this ardour, this fervour that was once able to create such masterpieces?"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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