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Medicine : must consider the whole organism
"A science of medicine which intervenes only at the apparent site of an illness is not based on sound principles, because it does not treat the rest of the organism which may also suffer from certain dysfunctions. True medicine must treat the entire human being; it must purify him and bring him into harmony with the universe, so that every organ, every part of his body benefits from this improvement. The manifestation of problems in one part of the organism must serve as an occasion to examine the whole and to restore it to good health. If you take this recommendation into account, not only will your present discomforts disappear, but other problems as well which are hidden and waiting to present themselves. It is all very well for the cardiologist to look after the heart, for the lung specialist to look after the lungs, and for the surgeon to remove tumours. But even when people are no longer really sick, neither are they really well, because their body is repaired piece by piece. The medicine of the future will understand how to work in a different way, and a minor disorder will be an occasion to restore the entire organism to health."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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