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Mental habits : become aware of them in order to change them
"Observe yourself in order to discover your mental habits, and right away try to correct those that appear the most detrimental to your evolution. If you do nothing, over time you will gradually become total prisoners. And do not say: ‘Oh, when the time comes I’ll correct myself, I’ll straighten things out.’ No, do not delude yourselves, because once you decide to head in the right direction again, these tendencies will manifest themselves even more powerfully. It is when we want to take a new direction that we realize how constrained we are. As long as we do not know we are slaves, we do not feel enslaved, but when we become consciously aware of it and decide to free ourselves, this is when we see the gravity of the situation. So pay attention, do not simply let yourself go and tell yourself that when the time comes you will manage to pull yourself together. Of course, if you really want to, you will manage to do so, but with how much more pain and effort!"

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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