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Methods : each day, new problems push us to find new Methods
"You would like to discover a formula by which you could solve all problems and face all situations, like a key that would open all doors, but no such method exists! What worked yesterday is no longer effective today, and you must use something different. Yesterday, for example, you read an idea that enabled you to see clearly, or to recover your serenity, but today this idea no longer works, and you must find something new. In this way, day after day, heaven forces us to advance and to make new discoveries, or we would simply go to sleep. We cannot evolve using one truth only. Every day life presents us with a new situation, a new arrangement of things, new forces to contend with and thus new problems to solve. And if yesterday we called on wisdom as the solution, perhaps today it is love, or will-power, or patience that will work. There is always a solution, but in each instance you must make the effort to find it."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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