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Methods of the occult : their danger for the one who breaks the laws of cosmic harmony
"It is not enough to know the methods that enable you to become a clairvoyant, a magus, an alchemist and so on. You must first of all ask yourself what goal you are working towards and understand that there are laws to be respected. Those who practise occult methods for their personal benefit violate the laws of cosmic harmony, and in the end the cosmos itself vetoes their plans, and they fail miserably. Many occultists or so-called spiritualists have ended in disaster, because they worked to accomplish certain things without first finding out whether they were acting in harmony with the plans of Cosmic Intelligence. Books on occult sciences suggest a great many techniques and rituals, but apart from the fact that many of these practices are risky, not one of them is as valuable as harmonising ourselves with the cosmic order. And this is not all: even the most inoffensive practices become dangerous and backfire in the hands of those who do not work to preserve this harmony, and who allow their anarchic tendencies to get the upper hand. "

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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