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Miracles : can only be achieved by the force of the spirit
"Faith can help in healing, but it does not accomplish miracles, at least not in the way most believers imagine. If Jesus healed the sick, it was because his spiritual elevation allowed him to project himself to the causal plane – the higher mental plane – where he activated a force that was able to counter sickness. Thus, when certain people, claiming that faith heals, set out to cure the sick with magic formulas, prayers, hypnotism or the laying on of hands, they can in fact achieve limited results if the illness is not serious, but no more. Whatever their faith or that of the sick person, it is rare that faith is enough. In order to heal as Jesus did, we must not only possess the power of the spirit, but we must have practised for a long time working with thought which is an instrument of the spirit. But how many are capable of this? Here again, it is not enough to believe in the power of thought; we must possess it and have mastery over it, which is very difficult."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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