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Models : take the benefactors of humanity as our Models
"Who are the people most treasured by humanity: those who have surpassed themselves, or those who have satisfied all their needs for pleasure and enjoyment? However kind and indulgent we may be toward human beings, we cannot deny that there is a hierarchy among them, and that some have remained very low and close to the animal realm, whereas others have reached the heights. These exceptional beings have distinguished themselves from others by lives that were meaningful and beautiful and, above all, helpful to others. They would not have been accorded this place of honour if they had done nothing good for the collectivity.
When we study all these people who have been given a place in history for their genius, their moral stature or their force of character, we must admit that there exists a better way to live, to think and to develop oneself. And it is these magnificent beings, these benefactors of humanity, with their nobility, their integrity, and their disinterestedness whom we must follow and take as our models." Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
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