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Mother’s love : put the child in contact with divine life
"From morning until evening, and even at times during the night, the new-born baby demands the attention and care of its mother. But before caring for her infant, the mother must first of all, by means of thought, approach God and establish contact with celestial life. For true maternal love is not limited to watching over the physical well being of the child: to nursing it, dressing it, washing it, putting it to bed, and so on… She must put elements of a spiritual nature in everything she does for it. If she is content to care for her child’s ordinary needs alone, she will make an ordinary being of him, because she will have failed to bring him something of the divine presence. To truly nourish and raise her child well, she must approach God, saying: ‘Lord, I come to you so that you might give me light, love, health and the beauty of heaven for my child.’ In doing so, she will radiate pure and luminous particles in the presence of her infant, which will make an exceptional being of him."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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