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Negative states : free yourself from them as fast as possible
"To remain for long in the grip of negative thoughts, emotions and feelings is dangerous for our psychic equilibrium. Of course, life does not have only good surprises in store for us, and no one can avoid feelings of disappointment, dejection, and irritation at one time or another. But when this occurs, strive to do everything possible to rescue yourself quickly from this state, or you will end up bound hand and foot, completely overwhelmed. Take advantage of the window of time in which you can still easily extricate yourself. You cannot free yourself by staying put and struggling, because you are not equal to it. Since struggling in the dark has never made the light shine forth, you must leave. So that unhappiness, jealousy, bitterness or anger do not get the upper hand and destroy you, try at once to call up those thoughts and feelings which will project you into the light, into love and peace. In this way you will be saved."

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


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